League of China season 81 [3.1]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of China on the game Rocking Soccer.

1cn juvesainty4211052
2cn 成都蓉城4211032
3cn 帕米尔雄鹰3110092
4cn 大大大东北 2 1 13110021
cn 角球射倒门将破门3110021
6cn 老鹰之歌3210121
7cn 辽宁宏运3210122
8cn FC Phospherus3210134
9cn FC shanghai HD3210112
10cn FC Islanders2202033
11cn 舜耕山矿工1101011
cn 川沙帝王懂 11101011
13cn 遂宁FC0100112
14cn 不正常人类研究中心0100113
15cn 潘帕斯的探戈0100129
16cn 锦州古城0200213