FC Port-au-Prince ht

Player statistics

1ht Didier de Bailleul60651151540234
2es Fernán Bonis79647211680129
3af Murad Ryad64634181440
4ht Francis Pensec3661470050
5gy Lukas Emden60584201130146
6ht Tony Georges65583536094
7ht Jules Brindal68576100096
8ht René Pilotte6957581069
9cr Juan Miguel Cárdenas6555433020014
10ht Francois Jourdan76535672360153
11ht André Catellier3352510616030
12ht Jean-Claude Foucher675235680137
13pr Toni Aguero3552290153
14ht Gaspar Leonard694962561306
15ht Joel Grataloup6947100461
16ht Julien Barbusse6841214640119
17ht Gerrard de Lavergne3240560046
18ht Gilles Bosquet313982241063
19ht Gilles Bretteville3434019057
20tc Preston Cheevers2426100362
21bj Adofo Ojomoh8225800630
22bi Macie Kushamura802430002
23ht Karim Giroux6723800191
24ht Remi Gaudreau2223720036
25ht François Saglier2722830094
26fr Sebastien Leaud812171545081
27ht Gabriel Bondoufle6920970024
28ht Jean Baptiste Nivelon3619100241
29us Andreas Giannoukaris74171102401
30ht Sebastien Diagne66169140013
31ht Theodore Sidot3316119109
32pf Yanopa Kumi801371102
33ht Théodore Grandjean2712610032
34ht Gabin Vallet6812524205
35ht René de Vaux2812123029
36ht Philippe Bourlet77121019043
37ht Mathieu Boudaud2611115037
38ht Arnoud Chesnais7811100430
39ht Clavet Crèvecœur329011014
40ht Bruno Lacombe668810029
41ht Maurice Flahut238713204
42lv Harijs Voitāns63701652023
43ht Émile la Toussierre226400024
44ht Clavet de Servian796140013
45ht Philippe Mousson235913026
46ht Gerald Marchmain335210010
47ht Claude-Francois Ammeter674701042
48ht Arsene Madrelle20466001
49gr Nontas Dedakis73440002
50ai Bob Walcott9044534013

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.