League of Chile season 42

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1 cl CSD Colo-Colo 41 3510034331019819
2 cl Liverpool Wanderers 4 5923430221868
3 cl La Unión 4 108834284214713
4 cl Quilpué #28134270715022
5 cl Luis Cruz Martínez 1 15 187734252711628
6cl Osorno 3 18 117034231107956
7cl Puente Alto #468342221011034
8cl Quillota5634182149075
9cl Calama47341521796105
10cl Valdivia4434135165097
11cl La Serena3134942150135
12cl Paine2534672134114
13cl Real Blue FC2234712625146
14cl Palestino2134632556178
15cl O´Higgins FCCH2034622645138
16cl Santiago #131734452530137
17cl Copiapó #2163437242094
18cl Union Club1534362518101