FC Mogoditshane #2 bw

Player statistics

1mw Senghor Kabbah695644620127
2ao Moacir Paião62562120067
3ao Motlatsi Netshamulivho73529181034
4bw Moneim Kassa76526211056
5zw Kondwani Mtolo37522008119
6at Martin Kota6351741620011
7ao Josué Cardoso61509401600171
8tw Yu-hsui Pao6850437021018
9mz Ronaldo Seabra72491140023
10bw Hamidou Babagida3746745060
11tz Vin Gook3646600840
12sz Kopano Rothele7846316900176
13tz Baruti Mandela8246200620
14bw Badu Onyali8146250029
15ao Afonso Bezerril66452574032
16sz Mandla Morometsho78439893360103
17bw Nyahuma Ndo3641810720101
18eng Stewart Bowcott7041119210025
19zm Themba Wiki3540641449015
20bw Ngbendu Songo'o343949460108
21mz Kamuzu Nxu70384401680138
22za Ron Holley76354151044
23bw Itang Kiaga7432420017
24bw Nyahuma Mani28323312056
25bw Matarr Tchami352981559072
26cn Guo-liang Ou7324215611016
27ao Victor Valentim7021900132
28ao Octávio Portugal7420710312011
29bw Sokoni Abena2920691222051
30bw Jenbere Fita762040081
31tz Dale Catlin271861541103
32bw Ohene Owusu2515920015
33bw Saulo Chudasama2512510018
34bw Goukhouni Washikala221201105
35za Ronald Hyre821093889034
36zw Darius Childress279600028
37bw Itang Salcedo225600011
38bw Wembe Dibango70490008
39bw Wang-Ombe Bayi20310002
40mz Ntsikelelo Nomwa7031920010
41ls Garai Matanzima753142401
42mz Álvaro Martins662952307
43sz Nkosana Radebe732952202
44zm Ketso Nthite722728105
45bw Tawia Erogbogbo65260010
46bw Sese Akili-Mali63260002
47ls Dumisani Tyamzashe70260009
48na Tapfuma Mase79240000
49bw Kodoké Traore23210002
50ls Ronald Edelmann35zm FC Samfya2139016

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.