Trinidad #5 uy

Player statistics

1cz Šimon Petrov3349970056
2ar Josep Alegría3543400860
3sr Brahma Ramanand3332710037
4br Andrea Cattaneo37314133807
5uy Juanjo Marcheco292792338011
6cl Nahuel Iñiguez3127341027
7uy Gregorio Antopia27243011050
8br Simão Negromonte2818271022
9it Santo Bugli261771975063
10br David Shaefer2517100026
11ar Saúl Arrechea2610801016
12uy Amador Quinde2110311027
13uy Juanjo Crosas236300025
14br Roberto Balbo205715000
15uy Fran Castellanes27502002
16uy Umberto Lescano25360009
17uy Aarón Fandino27350009
18tw Tse-peng Yeung30cn Haikou #5331002
19br Mariano Neves26br Guaratinguetá #331212013
20br António Taveiros21br G014N143028300
21br Henrique Portela29us Hanford29163208
22ar Amador Saldierna26fi FC Mehtis284000
23uy Agustí Frechilla252500013
24ar Rafael Archila252511107
25uy Héctor Gabino24230011
26uy Ernest Rios2460000
27uy Nauzet Delatrinidad3130000
28uy Marcos Carasa2620004
29es Ion Fangon2500005

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.