Mahajanga mg

Player statistics

1re Arnaud Gagné6166791068
2mg Kirupano Likiliki6365960049
3sc Charles Shepherd6565222500158
4mg Waisale Kumai60646001720
5mg Bayisa Amduka36625001501
6de Zvjezdan Pejić68599431010146
7eng Owen Paroissien6659890044
8lb Rafid Zakouri6558720730212
9mg Sikandar Srikumar645791931709
10mg Gurmu Galal375639290130
11mg Iko Waqanitoga3756026221021
12km Tiljad Boustanai3553621019
13mg Kaseko Menye7452100790
14km Youness Bousimi7652120046
15gh Deji Kerekou7751928310019
16cf Mobi Haba7944120073
17tw Tin-jong Tan8140040053
18sc Prakash Gambhir7639510660114
19mg Paikea Tapai3338912416014
20mg Komugl Mirani69387031074
21re Yera Behndy293721182410138
22re Emile Mortmain7935900371
23mg Salman Sourabh31297130032
24mu Achyut Mulla742701167099
25mg Kemosirikhai Al Eryan692552259062
26mg Ketumile Bopela31253310061
27mg Kopol Likiliki3222925031
28cn Jen-ta Ling82228104205
29mg Paulaui Onguglo2621929308
30km Kondwani Katyauripo862141315016
31sc Hung Sanfeng711600004
32sc Mo Kwan231351103
33mg Fulass Worku2711120020
34mg Glyn Ngumbi327700016
35km Rasul Khentika78731005
36mg Hohepa Huboka746722027
37mu Nirbhay Tirumalai62580001
38mg Mekonnen Koskei20511008
39mu Jeremy Grelot67490000
40ng Marlon Neall23400009
41sc Bambata Sindiswa653731001
42mg Aamir Harku20360007
43ca Mike Bonner663626000
44km Mohamed Bueno67361006
45ke Berhanu Mwinyi363575301
46sb Ewunga Tanginoa63350001
47km Jadili Eylachew70351005
48sc Ndabeexinhle Carruthers703512002
49km Nader Belicha75350004
50mu Katiza Nyathi28mg Kopoky34412012

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.