League of Tunisia season 77

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1 tn J A C 4 59 631153938102093
2 tn Siliana10339341413024
3 tn Sfax #210139332413123
4 tn Tunis 1 7 58139263108048
5tn CA Bizerte55391510143442
6tn Tunis #24739152223081
7tn Ettadhamen4639144213575
8tn Jarbah Hawmat as-Suq4239119192258
9tn Al-Qasrayn40391010191666
10tn Al-Arianah363999212260
11tn Sfax3539811202163
12tn Tunis #52839610231578
13tn FC Bozoum2539413221370
14tn Halq al-Wadi173921126774