夏 都 FC cn

Manager log

june 30 2018 - 09:09The club was renamed to "夏 都 FC".
january 21 2016 - 10:46The club was renamed to "夏都凯皇FC".
january 21 2016 - 09:46cn xyk__09 offline was appointed as new manager.
august 15 2015 - 00:13cn 啊啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 was fired as manager.
july 3 2015 - 04:39cn 啊啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 was appointed as new manager.
march 20 2015 - 12:48de Franz Beckenbauer resigned his function as manager.
march 20 2015 - 12:48de Franz Beckenbauer was appointed as new manager.
march 11 2015 - 06:26cn scott resigned his function as manager.
march 11 2015 - 06:25cn scott was appointed as new manager.
february 13 2015 - 03:17cn 皮皮 resigned his function as manager.
february 13 2015 - 03:17cn 皮皮 was appointed as new manager.
november 17 2014 - 15:28cn 猪仔沧 resigned his function as manager.
november 17 2014 - 15:27cn 猪仔沧 was appointed as new manager.
august 3 2014 - 12:37tw li resigned his function as manager.
august 3 2014 - 12:37tw li was appointed as new manager.
july 10 2014 - 06:04cn ZXZ resigned his function as manager.
july 10 2014 - 06:04cn ZXZ was appointed as new manager.
june 23 2014 - 00:04cn 吕沛 was fired as manager.
june 8 2014 - 10:54cn 吕沛 was appointed as new manager.
june 5 2014 - 00:04cn 云九天 was fired as manager.
april 30 2014 - 07:15cn 云九天 was appointed as new manager.
march 26 2014 - 00:05cn wsw0541 was fired as manager.
march 11 2014 - 14:52The club was renamed to "FC Ar_R9".
march 11 2014 - 14:40cn wsw0541 was appointed as new manager.
march 5 2014 - 00:04cn zhangxiao was fired as manager.

This team was originally called "FC Jinzhou #14"