FC Gradačac ba

Player statistics

1ba Marijan Raičević23101119801
2ro Ilie Purice261005107
3ro Aleodor Cocuţ229320010
4ro Doru Zăgan218820013
5ro Aurică Basarab23871006
6ro Teodor Vieru228700201
7ro Basarab Pândaru258300220
8ro Marin Linteş2081319036
9ba Bojko Peković207920104
10ro Rafael Trofin24751343027
11ba Anel Šerifović195717018
12ba Zafer Herceg214706014
13ba Spomenko Ubojčić22431307
14ba Pavle Nočić214301017
15ba Lugomir Nonić193610014
16ba Muhamed Smajlović213502017
17ba Kristijan Drndić19354004
18ro Costel Vărgatu20ro LiveYourLife3519000
19ro Matei Buzărin20350000
20pal Falih Amenyseneb17ro Venus Oradea2792107
21ba Selim Nukanović21266001
22ba Eugen Kadić30171602
23ba Prodan Torić20160007
24ro Andor Zrínyi20161703
25ba Zvonko Lekušić29150001
26ba Aleksandar Antunović2270005
27hu Miklós Tamási2570000
28ba Blagun Ćalić2410010
29ba Albert Ravančić2000000
30ba Aco Dogandžić22es Warp Sports FC00000
31ba Milan Jovetić2400001
32ba Zarije Kerezović2300000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.