FC Leerdam nl

Player statistics

1nl Eric Pijnenburg62607001728
2nl Thijs Ungerer35578151160169
3jp Kimitada Kasuse59560341033
4nl Dele Tall7252910030
5rs Tanasko Čalović7247730029
6nl Stephan van der Elst7245830032
7pt Cássio Lousada6044912670120
8nl Jannes Underdonk77434001511
9nl Abdelhamid Koude73422289067
10es Gorka Avigael7539020017
11wal Roger Hilton7137112132083
12pt Geraldo Lamego3336872210018
13af Kemosirikhai Al Rashidi70363657068
14al Engjëll Boja6334801034
15nl Dick Tigchelaar2531828926014
16pk Mangal Burfat7431121024
17tw Tu-an Ec62309481100119
18pe Leopoldo Leos6930598305
19it Renato Morandi70296247062
20fr Gaetan Montesquilleu2726084012
21sm Gino Pecchia7826070015
22fr Richard Calzati2724611019
23nl Jaap Gerbers65246154303
24nl Remko Kool8424400650
25fo Frank Willadsen78229499095
26lc Richard Kelbaugh6722327109075
27tw En-guo Jia772141764015
28fr Yves Suguenot4821122209
29kg Rustu Pars69208944017
30nl Steven Meindersma25204110047
31uy Gustavo Colocho77197347090
32nl Alexander Verhoef30186416010
33dj Negera Maathai7418530109083
34nl Maurits de Lange63180140048
35ch Ferry Bieber2817652011
36br Salvador Brás65166105602
37wal Alun Alflatt71161752013
38md Felix Beshukov7715960020
39lt Antanas Balutis7615630012
40nl Marten Tonis84155366039
41lc Tim Endicott7214185008
42fr Sébastien Geslin2513822018
43fr Jean Paul Abrial331361251205
44fr Richard Bessette2613200220
45hk Hai Ok711160008
46nl Jake van der Schueren2710500032
47br Uwe Heins23950105
48nl Timon Verhaegh6395017036
49it Valentino Pizzolato759500011
50ge Bachana Lagidze7093120026

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.