League of Brazil season 36

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Brazil on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 br Black Hawks 3 6933828916910
2 br Sao Paulo 1 15 8913828739520
3 br G014N14 4 5893827836519
4 br HELLO 1 8 108538251037125
5 br XingLing eSports 10 46 408038221426825
6 br Legendarios 17638221065419
7 br Farpando FC 25738169134334
8 br Canoas #252381313123536
9br Rio de Janeiro #751381312134338
10br Rio de Janeiro #451381312134136
11br ERBIN Lagoas 148381212143839
12br Guarapuava46381210164448
13br Sao Luis 1 144381014145045
14br Olinda3838911183043
15br Presidente Prudente3538105233462
16br Manaus 5 33538105234483
17br Bayern Munchen FC2538510233483
18br TigresOG203855282988
19br Cachambi CF1938310252791
20br Belo Horizonte #393816311989