Puskás Akadémia hu

Player statistics

1pl Janusz Mroczka77558001691
2tw Chi-young Bian6845360016
3hu Ferenc Markos634448204027
4lv Vladislavs Rimšāns6341722917011
5am Hamazasp Alimian6741320012
6mt Theodore de Crignis7836510040
7hu Vince Juhász673521842012
8do André Gioux72347246034
9uz Eldor Bakaev5933810028
10uz Bobur Huseynov693340002
11hu Csaba Priskin64326028062
12hu Tivadar Vaszi303252161508
13aw Huub Kiers73315178702
14hu Alex Kucska7030914109029
15ng Chimela Marley683056120019
16lv Egīls Kivlenieks65302942018
17pk Khalid Nothazai672943109
18ro Florinel Bugeanu712870006
19es Galo Ferniza7127218407
20jp Kenzaburo Ijichi632552041606
21nl Mahir Altinyildiz762541008
22cn Qi-zhen Yu3824900025
23nl Remco Mijlpaal68240106102
24tv Lowai Detenamo722212001
25zm Anuiyelewa Shukuma802200002
26rs Dragorad Topić78209337035
27hu Farkas Pulai2620068907
28lv Valdemārs Viļumsons712000004
29mu Ziyapaya Issa6719745504
30ad Isidro Lizarralde7619710013
31hu Ferenc Zsámboki2819640047
32es Axel Racco27195958054
33hu Milán Kalányos271942066043
34hu Albert Szarka2718891131
35hu Norbert Kocsis281571025052
36gib Timothy Hallmark27ie Cork United #6150728057
37az Davut Tobuk2511877708
38hu Zsombor Czinege7711034406
39hu Marcell Rendes8110900320
40hu Róbert Apáti24978209
41hu Áron Lénárt288700210
42hu Emil Kanta597856001
43hu Bence Szepesi256900014
44hu Bódog Bánfalvi586978402
45lv Edgars Bergholcs796420010
46ru Nicolay Bakaev36az Baku #495531010
47hu Kristóf Szabó205031606
48hu Miklós Kalányos724603012
49hu Gusztáv Gyömbér26450001
50bg Radin Gadzhalov31fi Heikin Enkelit360000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.