Seung-Bo Sung: Matches

Today - 07:02ar Huerta Grande8-13FriendlySM
Today - 04:39kp FC Namp'o #51-23kp League of Korea DPR [2]RM
Yesterday - 12:02ar Huerta Grande3-43FriendlySF
Yesterday - 08:23kp FC Hyesan4-03kp League of Korea DPR [2]RM
sunday june 30 - 05:33kp Haeju2-33kp League of Korea DPR [2]LM
saturday june 29 - 06:24kp FC Kaesong #61-53FriendlyRM
friday june 28 - 08:29kp My Roma0-110FriendlyRM
thursday june 27 - 07:02kh Kâmpóng Saôm FC #25-03FriendlySM
tuesday june 25 - 07:02cn Huangshi #35-03FriendlyRM
sunday june 23 - 07:02sa FC Yanbu' al-Bahr6-13FriendlySM