Kulia #3 tv

Player statistics

1ci Ousman Kante7076530078
2de Ralf Mafay7166600021
3us Vilem Štohanzl346302746015
4hr Lazar Filipović7061300033
5by Aleksander Rybin35595123067
6tv Kai Lima3658012860218
7al Leke Kursumulu7053840024
8ca Terry Kipps3552220046
9cn Kai-xi Fan3650312312021
10fr Yusuf Osman7150230038
11nl Rob Otgens354947400159
12bt Pema Gurung70483223703
13ee Ivo Tammsaar704816136098
14no Hans Haga3147000436
15my Aqlan Amar7246412292063
16tj Shaya Zargarnejad3242760248
17cn Bin Ho71400251004
18pw Tuaivi Komp78373001192
19pl Mariusz Drygała64362592099
20pl Gerard Szreder73341251301
21tj Nima Niroomand753369156027
22pl Przemysł Pabian7032430030
23tv Vai Opramb3531800131
24tv Kepagane Soamoa2831031149051
25tv Jokuri Vojavona6930600480
26pf Victor Franquemont30286155507
27tj Mehdi Minavand8628100770
28tw Tsu-wee Wie552803009
29as Tiaki Paraha6824311102019
30bs Heath Soper642213206
31de Friedrich Goetschl7221300031
32lv Rendijs Straupiņš68182136038
33tv Seriate Lima2917015041
34us Junior Spaulding621581007
35kp Kyung-Wha Noh641511458012
36tv Paea Pena2414100012
37sc Lisimba Chichuana62141316031
38fr Jean-Francois Boutter6213845301
39tr Ata Sancakli62138546035
40md Yuri Karimov6313400260
41gw Ogunsanawo Senghor681200007
42ki Vince Sloman68118028017
43ee Jarek Tull7011485004
44tv Olo Gasowe69108226025
45gr Apostolis Katsouranis721081279024
46tv Ngakaukawa Mirani2910100102
47gt Fermín Clivillés629901806
48ki Geoff McIntire69990009
49fj Aarav Raza569829038
50lv Dmitrijs Dzintars809461201

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.