FC Houaïlou #2 nc

Player statistics

1au Jay Langfitt6554924900136
2vu Gena Hafoka80525120055
3au Max Crissy8052032035
4au Graham McCartney71517651710138
5nz Alexander Schwalm675157730129
6lt Vilius Rėkus8149090027
7nc Fei Kui7848860055
8nc Fernand Aguilon3143781310132
9nc Pierre-Yves Georges304259128099
10nc Bastien Culai314222299011
11au Dave Wickline66420110012
12au Ewan Hatten80407640090
13nc Gilles Planchenault30396340073
14nc Denis Montandon3138363050
15vu Pisine Kingi77380629067
16au Roy Stump2937660024
17nc Edouard Desmurget30376856082
18nz Jotaro Munakata67362128409
19nc Dominique Broussard31359188409
20au Danny Sculler6733000821
21au Milton Shafer3232420017
22au Barrie Tomblinson733232331503
23au Pierce Betterson7232111950125
24nc Zouhair de Vigny3130143032
25vu Arupaeo Kaura7528712111011
26nc Gerald Granet3124800363
27cn Kong Lin3022917108063
28au Jordan Coulson60196145609
29vu Omo Haj-sanip8418300231
30nc Edmond Duret29nu Avatele #2515910625
31nc Thibaut Labyorteaux711470041
32nz Giovanni Baratta281300009
33nz Ben Bythesea65110271011
34mn Qorchi Ishkand25970005
35es Unai Estebaranz66861346019
36tv Ehoraie Nikints74730001
37ar Asier Varane316800130
38nz Kenneth Richardson606800015
39hu Zoltán Bodnár28511004
40ck Isakoa Serevi695183909
41eg Jeffrey Napier264835001
42nc Mathieu Lapointe22390061
43nc Maxime Bobet17381002
44nz Lovre Ðaković32lb Houilles350001
45hr Mirko Kljajić713530001
46pf Kiakoa Kravia363438001
47om Said Buono713431104
48nc Zhi-bin Gong70334807
49nc Jean-Michel Sedicot763324201
50es Víctor Hugo Guemes26323704

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.