FTC Isti hu

Manager log

february 17 2017 - 17:57The club was renamed to "FTC Isti".
february 17 2017 - 17:56hu Oláh István offline was appointed as new manager.
february 5 2017 - 00:09hu kovácstibor was fired as manager.
january 21 2017 - 19:00The club was renamed to "jászberény fc".
january 21 2017 - 18:59hu kovácstibor was appointed as new manager.
january 19 2017 - 00:23hu Varga Bertold was fired as manager.
december 8 2016 - 16:04The club was renamed to "FC Bertold".
december 7 2016 - 16:32hu Varga Bertold was appointed as new manager.
november 28 2016 - 00:24hu László Hornyák was fired as manager.
october 23 2016 - 17:34The club was renamed to "Budapesti Farkasok".
october 23 2016 - 17:33hu László Hornyák was appointed as new manager.
october 23 2016 - 00:06hu Antoni Miklós was fired as manager.
september 17 2016 - 13:11The club was renamed to "DKV Előre FC".
september 17 2016 - 13:02hu Antoni Miklós was appointed as new manager.
september 6 2016 - 06:30li norbi35 resigned his function as manager.
september 6 2016 - 06:30li norbi35 was appointed as new manager.
august 27 2016 - 00:07hu takacsattila43 was fired as manager.
june 18 2016 - 15:34The club was renamed to "FC Szuperhősök".
june 10 2016 - 15:37The club was renamed to "FC Mama".
june 9 2016 - 15:46hu takacsattila43 was appointed as new manager.
june 5 2016 - 04:48hu bilux resigned his function as manager.
june 5 2016 - 04:40hu bilux was appointed as new manager.
may 10 2016 - 15:35pl heheh resigned his function as manager.
may 9 2016 - 22:08pl heheh was appointed as new manager.
january 26 2016 - 00:08hu Petrás Bence was fired as manager.

This team was originally called "FC Makó #3"