Nassau #15 bs

Player statistics

1bm Tom Attwell3670310028
2ag Freddie Acomb66684102051
3hu Jenő Ferenczy5867747410020
4kos Radonja Samardžić6064851047
5bs Preston Sayre63646551630232
6bm Warren Duke626412567016
7pt Maurício Cedro6661370030
8bs Bryan McFadden7659825890196
9pa Félix Ariga69590522490192
10bm Finlay Burris685604390119
11jm Louis Brockless62542001492
12jm Steven Brockmire77469152022
13ht Jaques Capelle77449001120
14jm Damian Mallard6843111950100
15se Peter Stameler35421100046
16bs Edgar Ritchey3341912580112
17bs Marc Johnson39410150037
18bs Alec Pike303804400102
19cu Juan Pablo Núñez de Balboa323723031402
20bs Duncan Brightwell3336140031
21bs Dougie Dwelley34335334076
22bm Joel Luff3230607050
23pe Nicolás Tarula7230500610
24bm Alun Margetts69284728021
25bs Johnny Aldridge34272204013
26bs Toby Woodward2826746028
27bs Travis Morgan3225000181
28bm Scott Chipps71246132704
29jm Logan Quaife7820900010
30bs Tim Duke2211302012
31bs Isaac Denison261000004
32nl Selçuk Sonkaya22983567037
33bs Paulo Boomer368596406
34bs Evan Byrnside316300011
35bs Chris Salmons65530005
36bs Matthew Bonamy275100010
37jm Don Colegrove27420020
38vu Gasowe Papalu724200150
39bs Hamish Littleton62400006
40bs Heath Squirrel65390000
41cu Sergio Tapia523714000
42fr Vincent Gingras57376001
43cu Aurelio Rossol60371000
44nu Ataiamelaho Neho70370001
45jm Joel Plymale6536527011
46cu José Ramón Iragui56350002
47tm Selçuk Öyke64352000
48jm Eric Twynam883500160
49jm Luke Bisset58340506
50lv Miķelis Birkmanis573427100

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.