League of England season 55 [4.2]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of England on the game Rocking Soccer.

1eng Chesham United9438304412832
2eng Sheffield City #10933829639719
3eng Huntingdon United8738276510935
4eng Nuneaton City8738276510134
5eng Middlesbrough City #5823825769543
6eng Sunderland City #27038224129757
7eng Carlton City #26738207117157
8eng FC Robank6638213148362
9eng Royal Tunbridge Wells City5738176156245
10eng Felixstowe United #25038148167579
11eng Lofthouse4738138175669
12eng Luton United #44538136196989
13eng Exeter City #54438135205783
14eng Swanley #23838115223051
15eng Kettering United #2363899204183
16eng Aylesford Town3338615172759
17eng Portsmouth #73038862457124
18eng Hatfield Town233858253396
19eng Leicester1638372827101
20eng Ipswich Town #3838083015112