Matoury #15 gf

Player statistics

1gf Luc Retel2021000
2gf Arthur Campos2620200
3gf Rafael Júdice2720001
4gf Antón Fresques2720100
5gf Pi-ao Meng2020000
6gf Maxime D'Ornontville2420000
7gf Gilbert Jondet2620000
8it Basilio Miglioli2220000
9gf Gerald Michela2020000
10gf Jonathan Hoettel2720010
11gf Phillippe Bleneau2020001
12gf Braulio Honorato2023000
13gf René Longchamps2410000
14gf Ricardo Silva2210000
15gf Sébastien Charlier2410000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.