League of Hungary season 48 [5.8]

U21 league results

Here you can find the U21 league results of teams in this league level this season. Note that, depending on the number of teams with an U21-squad, teams can play against teams from different league levels.

1hu Csepel FC8432280413837
2hu FC Budapest #246630213613988
3hu FC Hajdúszoboszló6126201510842
4hu FC Dunakeszi #4533216511142143
5hu FC Gyöngyös #244321421697136
6hu don't buy tickets!313287175790
7hu FC Jászberény #32830771679124
8hu FC Törökszentmiklós23187295454
9hu FC Kazincbarcika #32030622238119
10hu FC Kiskunhalas #2832222827103
11hu FC Várpalota #2730142552160
12hu Fót SE732142723117