League of England season 38

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of England on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 eng Liverpool City 6 21 17803822142396
2 eng Nottingham 1 7 36838208104531
3 eng Wilmslow City 562381711105036
4 eng Forever We Are Wolves6138161394631
5 eng Seaburn Beach 3 31 326138141953925
6eng Reading City #2 1 26138161394231
7eng Huyton-with-Roby City5938178134240
8eng Strood City 2 10 753381314113529
9eng Victoria City52381216103835
10eng Cardiff City FC 150381117102930
11eng Aston Villains50381311143236
12eng Newcastle United 1 246381016123532
13eng Vooremaa Wolves4538129173043
14eng Peg Leg Pirates4138817132231
15eng Cuy Con Papas FC 3 240381010183138
16eng Bolt On Wonderbras4038913163346
17eng Deal3938912174560
18eng Robbing Hoodies3738813172940
19eng Blackburn3538714173348
20eng Canvey Island 22938514192855