Iracoubo #4 gf

Player statistics

1gf Gil Quinterno2420000
2gf António Vargas2820001
3gf David Boussain2520000
4gf Gerrard Castillon2820002
5gf Gustavo Carrasqueira2520100
6gf Patrício Vieira2220000
7gf Faustino Diego2120100
8gf Pablo Arzabala2020000
9gf Gaël Esprit2020000
10gf Ta-heng Ou2520000
11gf Octave Merode2122000
12gf Georges Bargeat2510000
13gf Emanuel Sá-Pinto2610000
14gf Tobías Balia2510001
15pt Sílvio Rangel2110000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.