Swiebodzin #2 pl

Manager log

february 10 2018 - 00:21pl Wilku D WilIgn was fired as manager.
january 26 2018 - 19:14pl Wilku D WilIgn was appointed as new manager.
december 17 2016 - 00:09pl arecki76 was fired as manager.
december 2 2016 - 19:20The club was renamed to "Ks Chwaszczyno".
december 2 2016 - 19:19pl arecki76 was appointed as new manager.
november 15 2016 - 00:07pl Pawelekwer was fired as manager.
october 31 2016 - 13:42pl Pawelekwer was appointed as new manager.
october 30 2016 - 00:12pl Szymon Potter Drygała was fired as manager.
october 15 2016 - 14:04The club was renamed to "FC PUCA".
october 15 2016 - 14:02pl Szymon Potter Drygała was appointed as new manager.
october 14 2016 - 00:06pl trol trol was fired as manager.
september 29 2016 - 14:11pl trol trol was appointed as new manager.
september 27 2016 - 00:17pl Jakub Stolarski was fired as manager.
august 22 2016 - 14:46pl Jakub Stolarski was appointed as new manager.
august 17 2016 - 00:07pl Crisowa was fired as manager.
july 12 2016 - 17:42The club was renamed to "Lech Rypin".
july 12 2016 - 17:42pl Crisowa was appointed as new manager.
july 12 2016 - 00:06pl guptak was fired as manager.
june 27 2016 - 12:54pl guptak was appointed as new manager.
june 27 2016 - 00:23pl enet was fired as manager.
june 12 2016 - 08:09pl enet was appointed as new manager.
june 11 2016 - 21:27pl ziomek resigned his function as manager.
june 5 2016 - 19:51The club was renamed to "SK Podhalania".
june 5 2016 - 19:46pl ziomek was appointed as new manager.
june 5 2016 - 13:42pl Woodpeacker resigned his function as manager.