Altti Kankaanpää: Matches

Yesterday - 21:27eng Bury St Edmunds #40-123eng CupSB
Yesterday - 20:40eng Red Lions fc2-03eng League of England [2]SB
wednesday january 29 - 02:41eng Arsenal Football Club ™3-00eng League of England [2]SB
monday january 27 - 19:22eng Sooth Sheels4-20eng League of England [2]SB
friday january 24 - 20:38eng Cramlington Town5-23eng League of England [2]SB
thursday january 23 - 13:18eng Newcastle United0-53FriendlySB
wednesday january 22 - 20:48eng Fuchsia FC0-10FriendlySB
tuesday january 21 - 17:36eng Swindon #41-11FriendlySB
monday january 20 - 20:15eng Les Gothiques Amiénois0-01FriendlyDCB
sunday january 19 - 09:21eng Borg bride6-00FriendlyDCB