FC Ma'rib ye

Player statistics

1bh Sami Bensimon62754001372
2ng Nkruma Tubman68731180055
3om Seth Baroghel6672731624032
4ae Busiris El Ghassab61722181059
5dj Mansur Salman6470047930030
6sa Abdullah Boussa61697112043
7om Hedayat Al-Karachi7069430031
8ae Fareed Al Mahmmod61683171060150
9ye Horus Mzoudi4468222310140
10gn Youssou Inoniyegha7463390018
11ye Gulussan Hadida446258190138
12kw Jawad Amenyseneb59597762320127
13be Axel Deprez3457070032
14ye Ra'id Matoub4356690076
15ar Mateo Jacomino65553211050199
16qa Said Batan7152713610118
17kw Mudada Toledano3249360018
18eng Elliot Lambert3446170265
19ye Qussay Chafai35448612083
20ye Anis Neferamón793781061077
21om Mkhai Mehy65367125054
22ye Kneph Bensoussan783534270104
23qa Zahid Benzekri6934600590
24ye Radhi Teboul283417612024
25om Kneph Bonoilid333359230106
26ye Dakarai Abdelsatta7633312115013
27dj Lucien Francoeur2929393168078
28ye Yusri Bohbot2527744038
29ye Majhemout Bussetil7725825040
30ye Qutb Mehmett2925716045
31ye Seti Benair24257277022
32ye Hassiem Simony4425410151
33sa Umesh Visvayu7722651182013
34ye Toghmaoui Beladina2621100642
35ye Rami Dayan2820300843
36es Joseba Millán28164162010
37ye Urtilan Zaoui4415600621
38er Seif Harhotep20154119306
39ye Argan Abo Zekry431296008
40ye Radhi Maiherperi62110104803
41ae Iften El-Masry65904007
42ye Boutros Bendayan288720031
43ye Sudi Zagouri65790206
44dj Kemosirikhai Encaoua207829207
45ae Iyas Bensaude677800011
46ye Sohrab Alioui286900011
47ye Wattas Abesdid246210015
48qa Djoser Rekhmire28500005
49qa Ialu Boudiaf28423001
50rs Radivoj Čapkunović69411637012

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.