GPL Internazionale Milano gp

NameGPL Internazionale Milano
Managerma 铁达尼号船长 offline
Parent clubma MPL Internazionale Milano
CountryGuadeloupe gp
HometownGrande Anse
Stadium梅阿查, Capacity: 200,000
U21 squadYes
Leaguegp League of Guadeloupe
CupW gp Cup
Next match (all)Today - 12:02
lv FC Rigas Vilki vs. gp GPL Internazionale Milano (Friendly)
Recent matches (all)LWWWW?
Star players (all)
Average best squad
The average best squad value is calculated by taking the keeper and the best 10 field players (regardless of position). It includes half of the youth bonus for U21 players.

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Player Hall of Fame

my Putera AthmarKeeper83100554
aw Andre KinneDefender670400
gp Bob LykinsForward62112502660
km Tadesse RadullDefender5988190
cd Ibou AidooDefender582643562
gp Wilfred DovelForward58212662230
km Mohamed KaluleDefender55450300
gp Finlay DowlingMidfielder5525565410
mw Adesanya KandeMidfielder5291755150
km Themba MudarikwaDefender51911220
km Habte DawitMidfielder4291903900
sn Kossi BredaMidfielder2815554270
me Julio CesarKeeper1030039
