Real Balaguer es

Player statistics

1mx Rubén Sánchez3752647100093
2es Lautaro Vidaure3033900570
3es Adolfo Dejesu2931967040
4es Ivo Sanquiche2930530045
5de Richard Encke3029540039
6fr Mourad Palairet3128815910013
7es Claudio Sobrero31268667023
8it Romano Acerbi282312105
9ni Lucio Muguruza252264080080
10pt Ricardo Barra24168318045
11it Roby Cortesi221313356061
12es Abelardo Aburto2612814105
13it Giandomenico Pestrin21101212020
14es Jerónimo Demurga298100101
15pl Wojciech Klyta265800018
16it Gianluca Rospigliosi19eng Seaburn Beach4045101
17it Gastone Dell'Arco24380000
18ar Sergi Delgadillo21ar San Miguel de Tucuman350003
19it Franco Montagnana29it Pordenone311520018
20hr Mirko Bobić19it AC SerCondore28314015
21es Román Rubiera20260000
22ar Carmelo Cedenilla24200006
23fr Davide Lacombe22121002
24es Joseba Nazco22110003
25it Tullio Agostini2391003
26es Bernardo Chairez2440000
27es Juan Luis Arguez2320000
28es Marcos Durazo2420000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.