Chia-liang Lung: Matches

Today - 17:24eg FC Alexandria #79-03eg League of EgyptSM
Yesterday - 17:41eg الزمالك5-03eg League of EgyptSM
tuesday november 5 - 17:46eg FC Mallawi0-33eg League of EgyptSM
monday november 4 - 17:23eg الإتحاد المرجاوي7-03eg League of EgyptSM
thursday october 31 - 18:34eg Dakahlia United FC0-53eg League of EgyptSM
wednesday october 30 - 15:51eg FC Al-Fayyum0-40eg CupSM
tuesday october 29 - 17:20eg FC Cairo #209-03eg League of EgyptSM
sunday october 27 - 02:27eg FC Alexandria #130-83eg League of EgyptSM
friday october 25 - 17:36eg Mit Marja City7-03eg League of EgyptRMYellow card
wednesday october 23 - 08:24eg FC Banhā #30-43eg League of EgyptSM
sunday october 20 - 19:41eg FC Diyarb Najm3-00eg League of EgyptSM
saturday october 19 - 17:25eg FC Alexandria #64-03eg League of EgyptRM
thursday october 17 - 02:45eg FC Abū Qurqāş0-43eg League of EgyptSM
tuesday october 15 - 17:25eg FC Al-'Arish10-03eg League of EgyptSM
monday october 14 - 07:44eg Pharco0-93eg CupSM
saturday october 12 - 14:19eg FC Alexandria #70-83eg League of EgyptSM
tuesday october 8 - 17:19eg FC Cairo #205-03FriendlySM
saturday october 5 - 04:15eg FC Al Khārijah0-113FriendlySM
friday october 4 - 17:33eg FC Al Qūşīyah #27-03FriendlySM
thursday october 3 - 06:35eg FC Būsh0-53FriendlySM