FC Ducos mq

Player statistics

1gp Jean-Francois Goubert67707180030
2sv Roque Bolio376581182940121
3gp Jonathan Tirel69644142034
4mq Dwayne Allbright71641322150226
5ai Hugh Summerfield6563258539028
6gp Euan Cohen7161430133
7nu Kahutea Vidini7457943029023
8lc Jerome Trappette735708500169
9mq Jean-Louis Bonnafond8355710470134
10ms Mark Potkin7651900960
11kn Ronald Rounsavall694911103550146
12sx Patrick Valdemar334831411480207
13gp Anthony Mariner31467110052
14ai Timmy Marion7144100780
15mq Gilbert Laveder71428521089
16mq Henri Champion3540723429013
17gp Jeremy Berthou8040334013016
18kn George Byrnes793621898014
19us Howard Wagstaff703516002
20gp Octave Giner7331371029
21es Leo Díaz64299181241053
22dm Roger Wenger27269404015
23cm Sani Rufai2425500441
24mq Zouhair Auge2825410134
25tc Howard Marke792471006
26af Bushr Benzaquen272342003
27dm Mick Gilbreath3023000460
28sx Chris Nicely3623013818018
29lc Henry Marrone2514752609
30be Nico Decker371020004
31sx Rick Ashby6910120307
32lc Malo Charron2291613037
33sx Wilbert Berden727002012
34sx Rudolf Hesse66461203
35kn Winston Tunnah824100100
36mo Wang-fen Lai634018002
37mq André Pithou654018003
38gp Ferris Dybell74400102
39kn Carl Hogan273920204
40gp Thomas L'Adoube61390001
41ms Adam Dethewright613827107
42sx Albert Mervis6138936019
43gp Jerome Tiphaine7838113008
44mq Bernard Halard793856200
45ve Bernardo Gortaire27kn Monkey Hill #2370001
46mx Enzo Cárdenas6937520012
47er Khamis Abt Rabo22gp Deshaies Town361824015
48ag Josh Huggins74361003
49gp Nigel Sturm80360002
50it Roberto Bottello33cn FC Changsha #53538015

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.