AS Paris #44 fr

Player statistics

1is Gísli Klængursson35583160038
2mx Herminio Exinia355141614260175
3fr Matthieu Couperin3444600900
4lu André Falaise2944110011
5fr Luc D'Ecouis30413101051
6fr Arthur Ghil36391725067
7ar Edmundo Panales2833339817011
8fr Jerome Fieveris30324618045
9nl Niels Backer2624400560
10fr René Bilodeau2420019142055
11nl Derk Stepp25138125801
12nl Alan Trizio231347707
13fr Bilge Ecevit2413304017
14lu Thibaut Dobbelaer218440704
15jp Masao Dan21561423023
16ch Lucien Greslet37410001
17fr Karim Lefebre32ch Grasshoppers390070
18nl Raymond Raaphorst18nl FC Groningen37534017
19fr Lat Tomêtin21ne FC SZ Zeng341330012
20nl Rudi Teunis23331031010
21mu Savieri Nokwe30gh Obuasi330002
22ve Arnaldo de Ros y de Ramis18nl **** The Hague FC ****241002
23nl Timon Klinkert22228001
24it Piero Spiteri23140001
25fr Raoul Guerin2220000
26fr Sébastien Duval2420000
27uy Florián Llata2110000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.