Stiinta Craiova ro

Player statistics

1ar Eugenio Rubiera6457945058
2de Ruđer Medved6756226707
3md Alexandr Rogachev76551172049
4co Patricio Contreras675324898092
5br Martinho Moreno6653029048018
6ro Cezar Biro3250531033
7br Brais Contempomi6849638123091
8rs Siniša Jovandarić66486001130
9hr Miroslav Kralj83444391990101
10ba Boža Pantović66440178039
11ro Dorinel Cernea7343136548018
12ro Iurie Meşter33429215079
13rs Teofan Krasić284142477013
14rs Taško Bugarski644104266081
15ro Mihail Rednic3136250064
16ro Emanuel Angelescu703529426015
17ro Gheorghe Hagi7333463135023
18rs Djuro Jeličić79319441480101
19hu György Varga75305140029
20de Ludwig von Tirpitz703031348019
21ro Andi Grindean3029931046
22hr Alen Stipanović6427300442
23ro Ciprian Bălţoi25ro FC Suceava #5259235018
24ro Aurică Rainea27ro Mondial București24000461
25ba Ilija Rankić7823800411
26ro Alex Zsoldos30235114048
27ro Victor Toboşaru6821849017
28ro Rafael Iuga25hu Giants17911032
29ro Ianis Pâslaru801661982106
30ro Fabian Liseanu271592294059
31hu Bánk Gergely28ba FC Pale #315969104
32ar Aitor Mancero69139651206
33ro Vilmos Megyesi2411920044
34cz Otmar Vaněček25851638021
35hu Barna Feczesin778422605
36pf Mutu Wak686950014
37hu Bertalan Lovas67531326023
38rs Ljuboje Jagodić715221017
39hr Edo Jurčić634055400
40ro Alexandru Ţânţăreanu20390020
41ar Decheng Thian67372006
42br Josef Herde18360007
43mq Bertrand Gantois27cn 上海星视野3640102
44hu Zorán Titkos223511002
45hu Róbert Egerszegi23hu FC Mezőgecse350000
46ro Benone Aranescu32nz Dunedin Technical3517100
47rs Hariton Raić31eng Newcastle United350000
48be Georgy Kantorovich20hr The best team3311707
49hu Ede Filkor22311009
50br Sebastião Batista30ye Aden Juventus FC31713013

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.