League of Tunisia season 55

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1 tn J A C 4 61 651173939002810
2 tn Tunis 1 7 510639351321021
3 tn Al-Mahdiyah9639313513937
4 tn Siliana863928299953
5tn Zarzis 6 76239202177570
6tn Al-Qasrayn5739176164564
7tn Monastir5139156183990
8tn Tunis #540391242337105
9tn Al-Qayrawan37391072224105
10tn Sfax #23539105242289
11tn Halq al-Wadi2839772529111
12tn Banzart2639511231387
13tn Tunis #4223957271395
14tn Sousse2139492614113