Zhang Jin: Employment

83cn 广州山卡拉队cn League of China [5.8]145010
82cn 广州山卡拉队cn League of China [5.8]2612010
81cn 广州山卡拉队cn League of China [5.4]2012000
80cn 广州山卡拉队cn League of China [5.4]1814010
79cn 广州山卡拉队cn League of China [5.4]309000
78cn 广州山卡拉队cn League of China [5.4]253020
77cn 广州山卡拉队cn League of China [5.4]251010


DateFrom teamTo teamTransfer fee

This player was created on saturday november 25 - 07:15 by cn 临时工 offline as a starters bonus.