Saint Erasmus cv

Manager log

march 3 2016 - 23:36The club was renamed to "Saint Erasmus".
march 2 2016 - 22:43The club was renamed to "Saint Erasmus".
october 21 2014 - 16:54The club was renamed to "Saint Erasmus".
october 21 2014 - 16:53bh Volvagia offline was appointed as new manager.
october 13 2014 - 08:56pt Miguel resigned his function as manager.
october 13 2014 - 08:55pt Miguel was appointed as new manager.
may 12 2014 - 21:32bh Volvagia offline resigned his function as manager.
march 30 2014 - 17:22The club was renamed to "Saint Erasmus".
march 30 2014 - 17:18bh Volvagia offline was appointed as new manager.

This team was originally called "FC Porto Novo"