FC Kergle Bern ch

NameFC Kergle Bern
Managereng Kastrix offline
Parent clubwal Kergle AFC
CountrySwitzerland ch
StadiumKing Beagle Stadium , Capacity: 70,000
U21 squadYes
League1 ch League of Switzerland [2]
Next match (all)Tomorrow - 13:34
ch FC Kergle Bern vs. ch Kispest FC (Friendly)
Recent matches (all)WWWWW?
Star players (all)
Average best squad
The average best squad value is calculated by taking the keeper and the best 10 field players (regardless of position). It includes half of the youth bonus for U21 players.

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Player Hall of Fame

pw Subul LomuForward672254170
it Eberardo ZengaMidfielder522151190
de Theo BellingshausenDefender515200
de Harald HerrKeeper51100100
ch Paul-Henri NaveauMidfielder507281130
ch Noah KellerKeeper5010064
fr Simon BudiMidfielder4236460
fr Jean-Louis le NainMidfielder39832780
ch Gabin BrehelinMidfielder3801380
ru Innokenty MarmeladovForward351106130
vn Nguyễn Chính HiệpMidfielder342281630
is Sæmundur JósúassonForward29410760
fr Yves SuguenotDefender2701210
be Fabien BartholdyForward253134110
kr Ho-Pyong NohMidfielder2512270
