FC Murcia #6 es

Player statistics

1es Éver Lopetegui38591101082
2it Patrizio Baldini36562651620183
3it Amazuz Busidan32509110040
4it Jesper Mulazzoni3448322790103
5de Szczęsny Rosa3244635820015
6es Luis Enrique Carriazo304401005014
7no Richard Hussain38332281580116
8it Roby Scarabelli3331419036
9ar Mariano Fusté2729840045
10it Virgilio Cernuschi2721248125074
11es Cristian Muneton2720030021
12es Adolfo Arruabarrena24173111030
13es Emilio Goena241040000
14es Christian Míguez22990070
15es Guillermo Landol26600070
16pt Valdir Candal25430005
17nl Remko Bateu334148022
18it Marcel Semeniuc27sm Grugliasco Loosers4131300
19it Vinicio Colombo19it GENOVA3942302
20pt Isidro Vergueiro19380002
21it Tullio Galasso25gp Deshaies Town350005
22ht Bastien Distel22pt Charneca303806
23es José Luis Oyaca262900010
24es Felipe Batiz23250011
25mx Silvio Centeno21160002
26es Félix Baguez23120000
27es Muzaffar Ben Barka23120002
28es Florián Contereas2590001
29es Pepe Garay2340003
30it Cornelio Ginori2240000
31es Vicente Osorio2320001
32es Pepe Delafunte2610000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.