League of Chinese Taipei season 20

U21 league results

Here you can find the U21 league results of teams in this league level this season. Note that, depending on the number of teams with an U21-squad, teams can play against teams from different league levels.

1tw 皇家海军联队 6 42 307332234513479
2tw Divinity 2 5 7643219769973
3tw AGC Leamington 3 66132194913794
4tw FC T'aichung 1 7 25932185911374
5tw FC Kaohsiung #2 2 54932154139677
6tw FC Hsinli #34432135147984
7tw FC Tungshih 139321231799105
8tw FC Hualien #23732121196179
9tw FC Pancho'iao2632681889128
10tw FC Chungho #4632132851165