Bayamo cu

Player statistics

1bm Flávio Velho6162438541028
2cu Kenneth Goodale4758260070
3fj Wager Komugl36567772000227
4it Diego Furlan72515123182
5cu Sebastián Jorquez745107310182
6cu Jacobo Irigay4549917280139
7cu Natalio Agustín724971840116
8bm Garreth Proudfoot7749514212027
9cu Zacarías Arrieta7349300401
10bs Perry McClung7148534913013
11bs Nigel Copley6847514580144
12cu Julio Vicuña4846420068
13jm Nigel Cresswell7645800333
14jm Rick Illidge68447101017
15vg Frazer McIntire354324562407
16cu Enzo Lascurain36408718072
17tv Rongo Sinamoi6040620030
18cu Darío Palomo35401913060
19cu Juan José Bobeda4839410813014
20bm Doug Westerman7539351198081
21cu Sergio Galarze493794210101
22ar Salvador Bayón3637770050
23jm Garry Costner7237014010013
24cu Ariel Madero3933640037
25cu Rafa Galinanes363251061609
26sk Erik Andrejcak7132023031
27jm Hugh Neate3530100651
28cu Radamel Casarín2829580042
29cu Ariel Bouzas7428935043
30cu Luis Serran5127610085
31cu Joaquín Toriano4625941038
32cu Octavio Villalpando50251275016
33ky Anthony Moorehead6124786190030
34cu Mauricio Arcelay3123751038
35de Kemal Nihat7121973210045
36bs Elliot Cowper2521455138068
37cu Ander Vegara3221100260
38cu Rodrigo Galateo7019114038
39bm Roger Lee32cn 雅荷塘FC18152178019
40cu Andrés Oteo2717121305
41cu Basilio Urango7215610301
42cu Albert Juanero3215123409
43cu Tomás Verdese3514532022
44cu Benito Martin7213540042
45jm Steven Noggle241200006
46cu José Goni7810601014
47cu Vicente Diogo70842005
48cu Jorge Obezo37810070
49cu Francisco Proveyer517910018
50cu Joseba Nieve207300017

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.