Humanes de Madrid es

Player statistics

1es Jared Aguza3855084032
2es Unai Rudenas33522112042
3ni Eric Saldivar314501062710164
4es Fabricio Bedoy30416111023
5it Tariq Elsayed273294612009
6es Lautaro Pachuca293146418015
7es Adriano Zimbron3030791048
8es Lucas Clavijero2830237041
9es Nuban Olortegui29255310042
10sx Winston Headland2624020020
11sm Leandro Munari29233291320117
12it Enzo Rosi2811100210
13es Dino Capellan267310011
14es Pau Zafortuo20450003
15md Anatoli Panasenko244228100
16is Vilhjálmur Artúrsson193939501
17pt Sérgio Saramago30pt Fc Pegões390001
18er Anum Al-Zeid25pt Charneca381322012
19it Moreno Citti18it FC Empoli371001
20it Renato Einaudi24it Patavium 20033515003
21it Giampiero Verrocchio20350002
22es Umberto Olmos23180002
23fr Lionel Privat26170010
24pt Artur Barrocas24130000
25es Erik Vega2540002
26es Tristán Calzada2230000
27it Roberto Ragni2521000
28es Cornelio Aldebot2110000
29pt Lúcio Torquato2210000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.