League of Wales season 81

Goals scored

ki T. Kepaganewal YNWA_Sibyl 9192
wal B. Aitchisonwal Garfield Tigers93
nir J. Keamywal FC Cardiff #783
wal S. Borrowwal Garfield Tigers83
eng M. Akerswal Barry Town FC84
wal C. Comerwal YNWA_Sibyl 9162
tr E. Öyküwal Kergle AFC63
eng D. Copriowal Barry Town FC64
wal D. Warleywal YNWA_Sibyl 9152
wal J. Maddockwal FC Cardiff #753


wal D. Childwal Garfield Tigers93
eng D. Copriowal Barry Town FC54
me E. Grahovacwal YNWA_Sibyl 9142
wal E. Chamberlinwal YNWA_Sibyl 9143
wal F. Sibolewal FC Cardiff #732
lv I. Rubcovswal YNWA_Sibyl 9132
eng E. Breedenwal FC Aberdare #233
tt P. Guzmánwal FC Newport #233
wal L. Barnettwal FC Cardiff #733
eng S. Webberwal FC Neath33

Clean sheets (Keepers)

PlayerTeamClean sheetsMP
wal S. Piggwal YNWA_Sibyl 9133
ph P. Cajipewal Garfield Tigers33
wal E. Gotschallwal Garfield Tigers22
wal D. Wardewal FC Cardiff #723
lk J. Viralwal YNWA_Sibyl 9111
wal R. Courthopewal FC Cardiff #711
eng C. Selthwal FC Swansea #313
eng R. Tollerwal FC Aberdare #213
eng R. Blankwal FC Llandudno Bay13
it T. Lodiwal Kergle AFC13

Number of yellow cards

wal G. Shriverwal FC Newport #260
nir B. Botwrightwal FC Llandudno Bay42
eng J. Valewal FC Shotton32
wal M. Sprowlwal FC Newport #230
gib P. Gameroswal FC Cardiff #723
eng L. Zhaiwal FC Swansea #323
wal E. Commonswal FC Swansea #323
eng K. Flippancewal Barry Town FC24
fo E. Jochumsenwal FC Cardiff #724
ch E. Gohmannwal Barry Town FC24

Number of red cards

gib G. Julianowal FC Cardiff #711
eng J. Kempwal FC Port Talbot12
eng R. Brownewal FC Islwyn #212
eng T. Luteswal FC Islwyn #213
wal E. Bedwaywal FC Bridgend10

Own goal

PlayerTeamOwn goalMP
wal R. Ewerwal FC Pontypool13
eng R. Pittenbergerwal FC Islwyn #213
wal G. Daileywal FC Cardiff #314
wal D. Courtnaywal FC Cardiff #714