FC Shotton wal

Active tournaments

FC Shotton is still active in the following tournaments or competitions.

wal Cup of Wales season 84-84
wal League of Wales?84

Previous tournaments

Other tournaments FC Shotton has participated in.


wal Cup of Wales season 838F83
wal Cup of Wales season 82QF82
wal Cup of Wales season 81QF81
wal Cup of Wales season 80-80
wal Cup of Wales season 79-79
wal Cup of Wales season 78-78


wal League of Wales1283
wal League of Wales [2]182
wal Playoffs R2 [1/2]81
wal League of Wales1781
wal League of Wales1480
wal Playoffs R2 [1/2]79
wal League of Wales1679
wal Playoffs R2 [1/2]78
wal League of Wales1678

Friendly cups

uz Freedom Cup season 81R181
eng Kezza Commemoration Cup season 81R181