League of England season 18

U21 league results

Here you can find the U21 league results of teams in this league level this season. Note that, depending on the number of teams with an U21-squad, teams can play against teams from different league levels.

1eng Strood City 2 10 78730290110937
2eng Cardiff City FC 16330203710877
3eng Nilehorses United 1 1573018398061
4eng Thornton United 154301801210780
5eng Deal5430173107763
6eng Seaburn Beach 3 31 325430173109684
7eng Vooremaa Wolves5230164108871
8eng Newcastle United 1 25030162129794
9eng Hyde4930154119365
10eng Wilmslow City 54830146108452
11eng Gloucester 1 14830153129167
12eng London 1 2 14430142148183
13eng Victoria City4230126126853
14eng Reading City #2 1 23430104167082
15eng Cuy Con Papas FC 3 2333096157083
16eng Nottingham 1 7 332301021875102
17eng Rushden United2230712277137
18eng Liverpool City 6 21 172030552052112
19eng Harlow United173052234192
20eng Forever We Are Wolves930232562131