League of Luxembourg season 52 [3.2]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Luxembourg on the game Rocking Soccer.

1lu CS Stadtbredimus7339227108158
2lu CS Lamadelaine7139218107570
3lu FC Steinfort69392161210888
4lu Esch-sur-Alzette #2673920712129101
5lu Niederanven6439197139567
6lu FC Capellen61391710127559
7lu CS Hespérange #360391612117167
8lu FC Walferdange5439159157882
9lu FC Mertzig5239164198290
10lu FC Medernach5139149165149
11lu FC Kirchberg48391212155561
12lu CS Dudelange43391110186168
13lu CS Pétange #736391062394136
14lu Tétange1439353144103