League of Tunisia season 66

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1 tn J A C 4 60 631173939004751
2 tn Siliana10839360318526
3 tn Al-Mahdiyah9339303612650
4 tn Tunis 1 7 580392559129103
5 tn Sfax #252391712175146
6tn Bardaw 150391214133879
7tn FC Bozoum4839139173486
8tn Al-Muknin4739138184199
9tn Sfax3639992135127
10tn Al-Arianah3539982239113
11tn Halq al-Wadi3339892235115
12tn Sousse2639414212196
13tn Al-Qasrayn2339582645149
14tn Zarzis 6 722394102523111