League of Côte d'Ivoire season 22

Goals scored

kp H. Choici Touba2036
ng E. Cattci FC Sainty1731
nc C. Lautci Grand-Bassam920
ag L. Wyontci Shorttube Lycoris518
ga T. Radebeci Lord of the Ring412
pa E. Reinaldoci FC Sainty433
ng O. Manjakci Hacker33
ci S. Onwuemeci Hacker213
. ci ZMCLWR27
gd T. Clerci Hacker226


ci E. Alieuci Hacker2538
pa E. Reinaldoci FC Sainty1833
. ci Hacker1738
ci D. Da Costaci Lord of the Ring1632
ci S. Akintundeci Lord of the Ring923
gd T. Clerci Hacker626
ly S. Kramaci Shorttube Lycoris522
ne Y. Lamci Hacker526
. ci Wolf to death327
uz I. Dzhumaevci Shorttube Lycoris18

Clean sheets (Keepers)

PlayerTeamClean sheetsMP
sd M. Husainci Abidjan #32339
sy I. Ben Naimci Grand-Bassam2232
sl N. Pongolleci Grand-Bassam916
. ci Touba936
. ci Lord of the Ring816
ke A. Mulefuci Daoukro620
no R. Jønssonci Chelsea Côte d'Ivoire437
kz O. Daukeyevci Shorttube Lycoris29

Number of yellow cards

ci A. Napelci Shorttube Lycoris110
cn P. Jiaci ZMCLWR927
ci S. Akintundeci Lord of the Ring623
cl I. Alemaniaci papapa is back630
pa E. Reinaldoci FC Sainty633
. ci Wolf to death631
ci O. Tolbertci papapa is back50
ci A. Diaoci Daoukro54
ci O. Aranaci Ivory Coast Revival50
ci Y. Boussouci FC Sainty50

Number of red cards

ci A. Napelci Shorttube Lycoris20
ci K. Dioufci Daoukro12
gd F. Castroci Hacker10
ci H. Antiici Ivory Coast Revival17
ci D. Da Costaci Lord of the Ring132
ci R. Bertrandci ZMCLWR132
cn P. Jiaci ZMCLWR127
fr S. Mallebisseci ZMCLWR115

Own goal

PlayerTeamOwn goalMP
bz D. Carnesci Wolf to death18
pw A. Fomaici papapa is back16
. ci Wolf to death126
ng A. Hassanci Touba126
lt A. Meirovci Wolf to death136
ci O. Badjici FC Sainty139