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English >> Suggestions

Mentors for new comers (21)

cw HyperInActief >> wednesday august 21 - 12:19
I think the right people can be found on the forum.
Those who post messages that make sense are capable of being a tutor while those who don't visit the forum probably lack the activity anyway.

Select 1 person per language or ingame country/region to be a coördinator who selects the people who can become tutor and who can't.

That could do it.

One wouldn't have to teach every trick in the game, just some basic things like advise on the tutorial and what is wise to build when the tutorial is finished.
People should decide on their own strategy anyway.
cw HyperInActief
sg FlameTermite >> wednesday august 21 - 13:21

The selection will be good but it will have a lot of work for the coordinator. And the coordinator will also have to be selected (as the admins now should be busy doing other things as this game is still new). Good system but hard to implement.


Hard questions to be tested whether the person is qualified to be a mentor or not (suggested by sakon), have some of its loopholes (however will be great as it will save the issue of manpower) Sometimes the questions coming from the newbie (if this system is implement), cannot be really tested by questions. For example which facilities should he upgrade next, is fanshop better than stadium? These questions base on case by case and personal preferences.
sg FlameTermite
nl Danh >> wednesday august 21 - 13:44
I say the mentor has to state his focus and his view on playing this game so the newbie can choose wich mentor's views connect most to his own.
nl Danh
sg FlameTermite >> wednesday august 21 - 14:32, Edited wednesday august 21 - 16:37

I would not think the newbie will really know how well his view is related to this game. If he knew his view, I do not think he needs a mentor.
sg FlameTermite
lv Tamaz >> wednesday august 21 - 16:07
@ FlameTermite
u got your points mate....
some questions by users - can be tested..thats true
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
pt Sir Alex >> tuesday december 8 - 19:59
More about mentors:
pt Sir Alex