Forum: English rss-feed

This is the general discussion forum for English. When you post in this forum you have to use this language. Posts in other languages may be removed without notice. This forum uses subsections for posts with different topics or purposes. Please posts bugs in the bugs section and take some time to figure out where other posts should go.

English statistics

Total posts209587
Unique users3200
Longest threadFRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10495)
Most viewsNot Frustrated at all topic. Season 9-99 (867481)

Top 10 posters

hr Eddie5354
nz Luke Broadcast4701
ee Taavi4475
il Numpty4185
eng Dragontao4105
eng Stephen3951
pt Sir Alex3743
us Peter3397
ro Andrei3261
ca Jax3156