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English >> Suggestions

friendly league (11)

pt Sir Alex >> tuesday december 3 - 20:22
was very interesting VIPs can create friendly league and where such could offer credits or 1 VIP voucher to the winner .. and obviously where non-VIP could play.
pt Sir Alex
br Fulgore >> tuesday december 3 - 20:25
Good idea.
br Fulgore
sco Flea >> wednesday december 4 - 11:15
Is that just me or when someone gives a good ideia no one cares?
sco Flea
br Requiao >> wednesday december 4 - 11:52
Good idea! It's very fun!
br Requiao
Community admin
br Cachambi CF
us Cooper >> wednesday december 4 - 13:06
us Cooper
be Alagesia >> wednesday december 4 - 13:48
A good idea, but i should make the price different. Winning credits and VIP-vouchers wouldn't make those league's 'friendly'
be Alagesia
pt Sir Alex >> wednesday december 4 - 14:09, Edited wednesday december 4 - 14:12
VIP or credits...

is more an issue of boosting the community ....
perhaps few VIPs will offer a VIP to the winner of the league he created, but credits I think anyone can easily give ...

I always like to encourage interaction and help ..

we can create some rules so that the alloy is fair. for example
- We could only create a league that included teams from our league (1st, 2nd ..) matter what country eg
- and impose a period of enrollment .. 5 days
if possible automatically be selected teams with the highest average value

I even think the major international competitions should give these a prize ..
pt Sir Alex
cw HyperInActief >> thursday december 5 - 11:43
You can setup a friendly league yourself.
But who would join?
I usually need my fitness for my matches, getting in friendly matches is difficult as it is right now due to the huge number of matches already.
And should i have to pay and get rewards for winning it, there isn't a friendly thing to it anymore anyway..
cw HyperInActief
pt Sir Alex >> thursday december 5 - 15:04
many people will want to play, I do not know is whether many will want to offer something to someone .. but that could be an option.
pt Sir Alex
pt Tobias >> thursday december 5 - 15:23
I think a friendly league, would not affect the fitness of the players. It would be better that way.
pt Tobias
us Tintin >> friday december 6 - 05:22
This is a good idea, and many other football manager game already had that as one of the trademarks.

We should be able to create a Cup at beginning/end of season, just like real life and teams who join may need to contribute a small amount of money for the price. If you can host the Cup for long enough, that could become a traditional Cup and you could invite stronger, more popular team to join etc.

Anyways, this is a very good potential idea, I hope it will be implemented soon.
us Tintin