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English >> Questions

Suggest (7)

mt zio_pey >> sunday june 9 - 23:08
Dors worth the money the investiment for level 2 of medical center, fans shop and scout?
mt zio_pey
au Mr Legs >> monday june 10 - 02:32
Yes, yes & yes.

Medical center will aid in recovery from fatigue & injuries.

Fan shop will increase your fan base & increase your income at home games, getting more people to your games & making more money over time.

Scout will help you during the trading windows to scout more regions & have more in your shortlist, as well as giving you more analyses per match.

If I was to prioritize them, I would go fan shop followed by scout office & then medical center.
au Mr Legs
cn 安妮 >> monday june 10 - 04:25
3 medical center is needed~
cn 安妮
sco Scotland1983 >> monday june 10 - 05:27
hmm as well as a high enough level youth center for a u21 team too at the minimum higher level if in a tougher league eventually for the teams long term future:)
sco Scotland1983
eng MegaChampions FC
mt zio_pey >> monday june 10 - 05:56
I have youth 4, is enough at this moment :D
mt zio_pey
sco Scotland1983 >> monday june 10 - 06:32
ah good i am glad of that in that case mr legs ideas are best for now then but dont forget training faciltys to allow players to improve faster and learn new skills:)
sco Scotland1983
eng MegaChampions FC
mt zio_pey >> monday june 10 - 06:48, Edited monday june 10 - 06:49
I decided for fans shop 2 :)
mt zio_pey