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English >> Suggestions

Locked Talent based on nationality (lets get it real) (55)

uy Awful >> saturday august 8 - 21:14

england- max talent - 5.7 supertalent max - 7

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
nice idea awful, but i prefer when every bars was closed. we don't see ideas like this.
il Numpty >> saturday august 8 - 21:27

* This is fun. I'll just watch - gets beer and popcorn *

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
uy Awful >> saturday august 8 - 21:28


max talent 4.3 supertalent max- 8.2

Wales  max normal - 4.1- supertalent - 6.2

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
uy Awful >> saturday august 8 - 23:24

we can make game more realistic and better with my suggestion ! many players are unhappy , bcz non football nations are strong in game ! i dont like that !

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
eng holt >> sunday august 9 - 02:32, Edited sunday august 9 - 02:39

@Awful The primary reason for that is because managers decided to make certain (improbable) nations as the hotspots for the game and these hotspots grew over time.There is no sustainable method to change this now and I don't think anyone really cares about it in the first place.

Even the arbritary numbers you come up with do not match up with the real world. Eg.Nigeria has become a breeding ground for footballers,while you rate Hungary higher because of their wonderteam in the 1950s.

EDIT: I've just seen your sources.I'm looking forward to your calculated ratings for Azerbaijan and Tonga.

eng holt
ro Andrei >> sunday august 9 - 03:20
"many players are unhappy , bcz non football nations are strong in game"

Show me where it says that.
ro Andrei
ee onuelver >> sunday august 9 - 06:39

And after that idea is implemented Awful will play in San Marino league and raise it to European top 5! :D Using only homegrown players!

China and Latvia are in top because they have lot of users and tight competition. Some countries are because of couple of very good managers who raise knowledge of other users. Some countries without good league have short top periods because couple of very super talents or being very bad previously and being attractive to pull players for that nation. After getting top managers will choose new country from bottom to help up because it's easier to get players into NT.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> sunday august 9 - 06:59, Edited sunday august 9 - 07:11

Any suggestion to make the game more realistic is fine in principle. So there's nothing wrong with the idea if it was well thought through. 

But when making a suggestion you have to make sure that

  • it's a reasonably fair change for everyone 
  • there can be a smooth transition from the current game 
  • it doesn't create new problems
  • you provide solutions to any potential problems 

This change would be massive and create huge problems, of which these are just a few:  

  • clubs in weaker countries would now have worse players coming through
  • the different youth academy levels have been ignored 
  • some managers only have players from their own country and would be penalised in a weak country
  • it alters the effect of Patriotic
  • there will be fewer strong national teams and even less interest in managing the weak ones

How are you going to solve these problems and keep the game balanced and fair for everyone?

Before making further suggestions please think them through properly. Good ideas would actually get support if they were properly planned instead of making them up as you go along. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Dragontao >> sunday august 9 - 08:51

That's just for starters Numpty.

Who is going to want to manage one of the poorer NT sides when, with the match engine as it is, they would just be cannon fodder with the players produced under Awful's talent scheme.

Mass resignations from NT teams, or nobody bothering to want to manage one in the first place, with one one of the benefits of VIP gone.

Who is going to bother having players from those regions in their youth centre settings. So these NT sides would be full of bot team generated players.

Most people would just set their youth centres to produce players from the stronger regions. Completely blowing the whole thing out of the water anyway.

Though, those still managing in the weaker leagues would be saddled with the fact their youth centres automatically produce a number of players from their own nation and they can't change that. These players would end up being sold to the bank at the earliest opportunity. Nobody is going to buy them. The transfer market is going to  have another massive shake up. Players from certain nations would see values suddenly skyrocket, while others would plummet.

This in turn is going to have an effect on intercontinental competitions like the Champions League. With the (almost certainly) bot run clubs from the weaker countries, not fit to compete. Giving less managers the option of competing as only the limited number of managers from the top of the best leagues would have a realistic chance of ever winning it. Yeah, that's realsitic, sometimes realism isn't great. It certainly wouldnt be good for this game.

All of this would in turn affect the developement potential of clubs in those leagues wich produce weaker players by default, further decreasing the chances anyone is going to want to manage in them.

.. and that's still for starters.

Of course, we just have not seen Awful's rewrite of the match engine and just about every other facet of the game that must obviously be on his agenda to help this revolutionary and visionary idea imprive the game.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
il Numpty >> sunday august 9 - 09:12, Edited sunday august 9 - 09:14


That's the problem with realism. Games by their definition are never intended to be absolutely realistic. 

People want the fun of potentially being able to take a team from (say) the Faroe Islands and win the Champions league.  Or win the world cup with Iceland. The beauty of a good game is that you can. 

If the game were entirely realistic then everyone would be managing a club in Europe and/or South America. The chance of taking a lower level club and building it up would be zero. 

Then we would have Russian oligarchs and Arab slush money taking over the game. 

We might even get bizarre speeches from Cantona ... erm ... just had a thought, does @Awful write Cantona's speeches?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee Kaarel >> sunday august 9 - 10:45

I think talent system is actually quite accurate. There are talents all around the world, training facilities and training conditions is what makes the difference.

For example I think that Jari Litmanen, former brilliant player from Finland, would have had talent 7.5 or more. 

D. Berbatov also surely above 6.5.

But on the other hand, J. Lingaard should be below 6.

ee Kaarel
ee Anonüümsed Alkohoolikud
eng holt >> monday august 10 - 05:00

@Numpty That cannot be true,Cantona's speeches make sense when you analyse them :p

I don't see the problem here.We see the occasional joke revolving around a small nation ripping up world tournaments but I've never seen anyone who has actually had a problem with it.

eng holt
I don't have problem with it. This is just our world. Rs is in different plannet.
il Numpty >> monday august 10 - 07:51

Allegedly "many players are unhappy , bcz non football nations are strong in game !"

@Andrei's asked him for the evidence ... and we're still waiting.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets